Since или for. Урок английского языка

Правило: since и for.

В каждом предложении выберите подходящий по смыслу предлог (since или for).
Например: We've been working here (since / for) this morning. – We've been working here since this morning.

1. I haven't met Jill the end of the school.

2. We've been friends with Fred decades.

3. My boss has been away half a day only.

4. Dinosaurs have been extinct over 60 million years.

5. These cherry trees have bloomed every spring 1980.

6. They have been raising horses and cows on their farm many years.

7. He worked at that company ten years before he retired.

8. They've been in love three weeks.

9. New ideas have been put into practice he was elected our leader.

10. They've been teaching here quite a long time.

С помощью тестов можно проверить как общее знание языка в целом, так и знание некоторых его аспектов в частности. В разделе тесты все тестирования поделены по типу, а также по уровню сложности. Узнайте свой уровень владения английским.