Since или for. Урок английского языка

Правило: since и for.

В каждом предложении выберите подходящий по смыслу предлог (since или for).
Например: We've been working here (since / for) this morning. – We've been working here since this morning.

1. You haven't smoked two months.

2. I haven't worked a mounth.

3. She has been in hospital Monday.

4. He hasn't played the piano he was a boy.

5. Dinosaurs have been extinct over 60 million years.

6. These cherry trees have bloomed every spring 1980.

7. I haven't talked to him last week.

8. They have been raising horses and cows on their farm many years.

9. John and Bob have been working on this project five months already.

10. They've been teaching here quite a long time.

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