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Последние добавленные идиомы:
a hen night / a hen party
a hot potato
a man of his word / a woman of her word
a man of parts / a man of many parts
a month of Sundays
a pretty penny
a shoo-in
a shot in the arm
a shot in the dark
a slippery slope
a sore point / spot
a square peg (in a round hole)
against the odds / against all odds
at swords' points
back to the salt mines
be dead in the water
be in the driver's seat
be in the driving seat
be on the mend
be on the rocks
be sitting pretty
be up on someone or something
be up to here (with someone or something)
be up to no good
be up to someone
be up to something
beat / turn swords into ploughshares
bite one's tongue
blow the whistle (on someone or something)
blue Monday
break a leg!
breaking point
bring to one's knees / bring someone or something to their knees
bring up the rear
build on sand
burn the midnight oil
burst at the seams
button (up) one's lip(s) / zip (up) your lip / zip it up
buy a pig in a poke
by and large
by leaps and bounds
by the same token
by the skin of one's teeth
by word of mouth
call a spade a spade
call it quits
call someone or something into question
canned laughter / fake laughter / laughter track / laugh track
carry (a lot of) weight (with someone or something)
cast one's lot in with someone or something
climb the wall(s)
clip someone's wings
close up shop / shut up shop
come apart at the seams
cry wolf
cut a (wide) swath / cut a (wide) swathe
cut both ways
cut someone to the quick / cut someone to the bone
draw the line at something
draw the line between something and something else
drop the other shoe
fall into place / fall in place
fall short (of something)
fight tooth and nail
fill someone's shoes
fish in troubled waters
fit to be tied
foam at the mouth
for a song
for kicks
for my money
for one
for the life of one
foul play
frame of mind
front runner
get / be out from under (someone or something)
get / catch wind of something
get / sink one's teeth in(to) something
get a load of someone or something
get a rise out of someone
get under someone's skin
gild the lily
give someone a piece of one's mind
go out of one's way (to do something)
go straight
go to pieces / fall to pieces
go to town (on something)
go wrong
gold mine
grease someone's palm / oil someone's palm
have a leg up on somebody
have a nerve / have a lot of nerve
have a shot at something
have a thick skin / be thick-skinned
have money to burn
have the stomach for something
have the time of one's life
hide one's light under a bushel
hit one's stride / reach one's stride
hit the nail on the head
hit the spot
hit the wall / hit a wall
hold on a leash
hold water
hot seat
hush money
in a nutshell
in the loop
in the pink (of something)
in the raw
in tune with someone or something
keep / have somebody on a tight / short leash
keep a stiff upper lip
keep the wolf from the door
kiss of death
kiss someone or something goodbye
knock on wood
know the ropes
laugh up one's sleeve
lay it on the line
lay it on thick / lay it on with a trowel
lay something on the line / put something on the line
lead someone down / up the garden path
leave no stone unturned
life of Riley
life of the party
light at the end of the tunnel
like water off a duck's back
lip service
live in an ivory tower
live on borrowed time
lock, stock and barrel
make a killing
make a splash
make lemonade out of lemons
make oneself scarce
make points with someone
make waves
man about town
meat and potatoes
million dollar question
money burns a hole in someone's pocket
neck and neck
night on the town
not have a leg to stand on
not to know if / whether one is coming or going
nuts and bolts (of something)
odds and ends
off one's rocker / nut / trolley / head
off the beaten track / path
off the wagon
on a shoestring
on and off / off and on
on one's toes
on pins and needles
on someone's or something's last legs
on the lam
on the outs
on the Q.T. / on the QT
on the rocks
on the ropes
on the spot
on the wagon
once in a blue moon
one-track mind
out and about / up and around / up and about
out of a clear (blue) sky
out of the frying pan (and) into the fire
out of the loop
out of whack
out on a limb
pack a punch / a wallop
paint the town red
part and parcel (of something)
path of least resistance
pave the way (for someone or something)
pay through the nose
pecking order
penny pincher
pep rally
perish the thought
pick up the tab / check (for something)
pin money
pinch pennies
pinch-hit (for someone)
pink slip
play possum
poke / stick one's nose into something
pour oil on troubled waters
praise someone or something to the skies
pull one's punches
pull one's socks up / pull up one's socks
pull one's weight
pull the plug (on someone or something)
pull the rug (out) from under somebody or something / pull the rug (out) from under somebody's feet
pull up stakes
put / keep one's nose to the grindstone
put someone or something out of one's mind / head
put someone or something out to pasture
put words in(to) someone's mouth
red tape
road hog
rub elbows with somebody
rub shoulders with somebody
rub someone's nose in it
run of the mill / run-of-the-mill
say uncle / cry uncle
scandal sheet
second wind
see red
see the color of someone's money
sell someone or something short
separate the wheat from the chaff
set the stage / scene for something
shape up or ship out
shoot straight
short shrift
slap on the wrist
sling / throw mud at someone
small potatoes
smell a rat
smoke and mirrors
smooth / clear / plain sailing
song and dance / songs and dances
sow / plant dragon's teeth
sow one's wild oats
speak volumes
spread oneself too thin
start from scratch
steal the show / steal the spotlight
stem the tide
step / tread on someone's toes
stick out like a sore thumb
straw poll / straw vote
street smarts
sweep something under the rug / carpet
take / catch / have forty winks
take / knock someone down a peg / a notch (or two)
take a back seat (to someone or something)
take a shot at something
take somebody under one's wing(s)
take someone for a ride
take something in (one's) stride
take something in good part
take the plunge
take the wind out of someone's sails
take the words out of someone's mouth
talk a blue streak
talk turkey
tall order / larger order
tar and feather
the cold shoulder
the in thing (to do)
the last straw / the final straw
the man in the street / the woman in the street / the person in the street
the show must go on
the squeaky wheel gets the grease
the straight and narrow
the villain of the piece
the warp and woof
the writing / handwriting on the wall
three / two sheets in / to the wind
through thick and thin
throw / pour cold water on something
throw / toss in the sponge / towel
throw one's weight around
thumb one's nose at someone or something
tickle someone pink / to death / to pieces
tighten / put the screws on somebody or something
time and a half
tit for tat
to a tee / to a T
to the teeth
tongue in cheek
touch / strike / hit a (raw) nerve
tried and true / tried-and-true
turn one's stomach
turn the tables (on someone)
turn the tide
turn thumbs down (on someone or something)
turn up one's nose at something
wear the pants
wear the trousers
which way the wind blows
win hands down / win in a walk
work one's way up / to the top
worth one's / its weight in gold
Последние добавленные сленговые выражения:
a bad egg
a good egg
big time
bite the bullet
blow someone's mind
cash cow
chutzpah / hutzpah
cut and run
cut the mustard
drop dead
dumb bunny
give a damn (about someone or something)
give someone the slip
go ape
go cold turkey
go fly a kite! / go chase yourself! / go climb a tree! / go jump in the lake!
hatchet job
hit the ceiling / hit the roof
hot seat
Joe Six-Pack / Joe Sixpack
knock someone's socks off
loose cannon
magic bullet
Mickey Mouse
Mr. Clean
Mr. Fix It
party pooper
run off at the mouth
schmooze / schmoose
shoot the breeze
spill one's guts
spin doctor
take someone to the cleaners / take someone to the cleaner's
the real McCoy
the shit hits the fan
throw / knock someone for a loop
tie the knot
wild card
yuck / yuk
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