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Тест "Написание писем" по английскому языку

Уровень сложности теста: высший (Advanced).

В каждом вопросе выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. Dear Sir, I am writing this letter to describe the ___ I've been having with one of your products.

2. 'Super' to my mind suggests ___, which it does not possess.

3. Unfortunately this does not ___ to 'Supercut'.

4. Dear Charles I thought it was ___ time I wrote to you and told you what I've been up to.

5. And now I come to a very important ___ I want to ask of you.

6. Putting it ___ I should be delighted if you would agree to be my best man at our wedding.

7. I can ___ you that the duties are not in any way complicated.

8. Perhaps I should explain the ___ reason for working in a restaurant as a waiter in preparation for a marketing job.

9. For example some of my clients cannot decide whether to have ___ fruit or tiramisu.

10. Finally I look forward to ___ from you and as you will understand I don't want to 'wait' very long.
Yours faithfully,
I.A.M. Hopeful.

С помощью тестов можно проверить как общее знание языка в целом, так и знание некоторых его аспектов в частности. В разделе тесты все тестирования поделены по типу, а также по уровню сложности. Узнайте свой уровень владения английским.