Тест "Союзы" по английскому языку

Уровень сложности теста: средний (Intermediate).

В каждом вопросе выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. I'm learning French ___ it's really difficult.

2. We looked at three houses. The last one was very expensive, ___ we bought it anyway. I liked it the best.

3. Do you want tea ___ coffee?

4. I like San Francisco ___ Santa Rosa.

5. Not only did the boss fire Scott, the best employee, ___ he also sacked the entire department.

6. Do you prefer travelling by bus ___ by train?

7. I hate shopping, ___ I told my wife to go to the store alone.

8. It's snowing a lot, ___ the roads aren't icy yet.

9. Neither one of the boys admitted to breaking the window. I didn't see who did it because I was watching TV ___ I heard the glass break.

10. Chris has a class at 8 am, ___ he catches the 7:15 am bus.

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