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Тест "Предлоги on, in, under, out" по английскому языку

Правило: предлоги.
Уровень сложности теста: высший (Advanced).

В каждом вопросе выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. He is so smart and graduated with honors so he's really ___ demand right now. I'm sure he's going to choose the right job and be happy with it for a long time.

2. That photograph is really ___ of focus. It's really blurry and I can't tell who is in the picture.

3. We don't have any of those designer jeans left. We're ___ of stock right now but I ordered more and they should be here by next week.

4. ___ of respect for your mother, I'm going to leave now before I get angry and say something I will certainly regret.

5. Norman is ___ a lot of pressure at work. He's responsible for planning the upcoming seminar as well as his regular duties.

6. We are ___ good terms now. We had a disagreement about the budget last week but we've worked out our differences and everything is OK now.

7. Your proposal is ___ consideration right now. The approval process takes about six weeks. We'll contact with a decision at that time.

8. As his big brother, you owe it to him to keep him ___ your protection during his first year of high school.

9. I don't believe you. Lying is completely ___ of character for him. I have known him for ten years and I have never heard him tell a lie.

10. I am to be your mentor for the next six months. If you are ever ___ doubt about something, feel free to ask me and I will help as much as I can.

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