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Тест "Предлоги on, in, under, out" по английскому языку

Правило: предлоги.
Уровень сложности теста: высший (Advanced).

В каждом вопросе выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. Don't worry about a thing. You'll feel better ___ no time. You look better already and the flu doesn't usually last more than a couple of days.

2. He is so smart and graduated with honors so he's really ___ demand right now. I'm sure he's going to choose the right job and be happy with it for a long time.

3. We don't have any of those designer jeans left. We're ___ of stock right now but I ordered more and they should be here by next week.

4. I couldn't get a hold of Sharon last week. I called her but her phone line isn't ___ use anymore. It's been disconnected. She probably moved and will call soon.

5. What are you ___ such a hurry for? You need to slow down because people make a lot of mistakes when they rush.

6. I always feel that my goals are just ___ of reach. I'm still unable to acquire all of things I want and that I work so hard to achieve.

7. ___ of respect for your mother, I'm going to leave now before I get angry and say something I will certainly regret.

8. Norman is ___ a lot of pressure at work. He's responsible for planning the upcoming seminar as well as his regular duties.

9. I originally thought it was a bad idea. However, ___ second thought, you may have a point, so let's discuss your plan more over dinner.

10. I need you to tell me what happened ___ detail. I want to know exactly what took place, who was there with you and why it happened.

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