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Тест "Модальные глаголы" по английскому языку

Правило: модальные глаголы.
Уровень сложности теста: средний (Intermediate).

В каждом вопросе выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. Do you ___ clean the house every day or every week?

2. I ___ help you with your shopping because you have a lot of bags.

3. I may ___ go to Paris next week because there is a very big exhibition there.

4. You moved all of the boxes out of the moving truck by yourself? You ___ be exhausted!

5. Teresa ___ believe her eyes. She saw a man beating his wife on the street!

6. This is a large, luxurious house! It ___ cost a pretty penny.

7. You ___ called me first. I would have picked you up from the auto repair garage.

8. We've worked long and hard today. ___ we call it a day?

9. If you choose a bold color for your walls, you ___ choose some soft, neutral accent pieces in order to create a balanced feeling in the room.

10. I'm going to make a cabinet out of our spare wood pile. However, I ___ have to buy some extra wood for the finishing touches.

В разделе устойчивые выражения представлено большое количество идиоматических, устойчивых, сленговых выражений, фразовых глаголов, пословиц и поговорок, с примерами и пояснениями. Общее количество выражений - несколько тысяч.