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Тест "Неправильные глаголы" по английскому языку

Правило: правильные и неправильные глаголы.
Уровень сложности теста: средний (Intermediate).

В каждом вопросе выберите правильный вариант ответа.

1. Laura has ___ her own hair for the past 15 years. It usually looks great.

2. I need you to ___ me to work today. My car isn't running.

3. Carrie has a stressful job and she always has a lot of work to ___ on the weekends

4. Raymond ___ a lot about gardening and environmental issues. You should ask him about the large garden you want to put into your backyard.

5. I ___ the baby until the storm passed because she wouldn't stop crying.

6. Kathy ___ how to change the oil in her car last weekend.

7. I ___ into an old friend yesterday. I haven't seen her since middle school.

8. Mr. Benson ___ you wanted to see me. Can we meet in an hour, because I'm really busy right now?

9. I ___ you should quit your job and find a career that you enjoy.

10. Currently, Brady ___ every morning. He's in really good shape and he's very dedicated.

Частые ошибки
Ошибки свойственны всем - как начинающим изучение английского, так и тем, кто находится на стадии его совершенствавания. Раздел часто совершаемые ошибки поможет вам избежать их появления в будущем.