Из предложенных вариантов в каждом вопросе выберите тот, который ближе всего по смыслу подходит к выделенному жирным шрифтом участку предложения.
1. After staying awake late at night studying, I felt tired the next day.
2. I don't want to stay in this dirty, smelly place.
3. I can't believe he put salt in the sugar basin. He's such a stupid person.
4. I feel really depressed when I think of how many problems I have.
5. Where's the alcohol kept around here?
6. You made a good decision there.
7. Watching T.V. all day is turning you into a lazy, good-for-nothing.
8. The boys abandoned the stolen motorbike in the park.
9. I'm sorry, but I just don't understand.
10. Did you see the rock group's performance last night?
11. Many movies are successful only because of the heavy promotion and advertising.
12. I need to go to the toilet. Can you show me where it is?
13. How can he criticize it so much when he's never been to that city.
14. It isn't a good idea to cause trouble when you can't speak the language.
15. There is no problem and it doesn't matter.
16. No wonder you are overweight. You always overeat.
17. He only likes doing jobs where he can make an easy profit.
18. The business is doing very well and they are really making a lot of money.
19. I get bad feelings about him.
20. Don't be such a weak and inept person.