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Тест "Уровень знания идиом" по английскому языку

Из предложенных вариантов в каждом вопросе выберите тот, который ближе всего по смыслу подходит к выделенному жирным шрифтом участку предложения.

1. I simply can't stand sugar in my tea or coffee.

2. Don't worry, we pride ourselves on being helpful to all our customers and getting that booked for you is all in a day's work for us.

3. Yes, we went away on holiday last week but it rained day in, day out.

4. My advice to you is to make your mind up before it's too late and simply go for it.

5. I made it absolutely clear that he could on no account expect a pay rise this year.

6. No, not really except she did get angry sometimes but her bark was worse than her bite.

7. As your house is on our way, we'll give you a lift home if you like.

8. I need to come to terms with myself.

9. This last year, my company has made money hand over fist!

10. Jane Williams is a very good investigative reporter, you've got to hand it to her.

11. Learning a foreign language goes hand in hand with International Business.

12. I've been working hard for the last few months trying to make ends meet, but something I'm not even expecting always comes up and I have to pay for it.

13. I just want to stay at home and watch television and take it easy.

14. They're very generous in that museum — not only is the entrance fee reasonable but they give you a brochure for free.

15. They decided to move away from the city to the countryside for the sake of the children.

16. Considering they are over 70 years old, you must admit they are in good shape.

17. I love you from the bottom of my heart.

18. When he confided in me, I promised Charlie that I wouldn't tell anybody about it and until now I have kept my word.

19. When the business folded, he took the lion's share of the assets.

20. Some of you worked on until the small hours to make it a successful project.

В разделе устойчивые выражения представлено большое количество идиоматических, устойчивых, сленговых выражений, фразовых глаголов, пословиц и поговорок, с примерами и пояснениями. Общее количество выражений - несколько тысяч.