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Тест "Уровень знания идиом" по английскому языку

Из предложенных вариантов в каждом вопросе выберите тот, который ближе всего по смыслу подходит к выделенному жирным шрифтом участку предложения.

1. Don't worry, we pride ourselves on being helpful to all our customers and getting that booked for you is all in a day's work for us.

2. I can't understand why he doesn't take the hint.

3. In the end she lost her temper and told her daughter to hold her tongue.

4. Don't wait for me because I can't come yet so you go ahead and I'll join you later.

5. It was late at night, the wind was howling and when she heard the knock on the door, she almost jumped out of her skin.

6. No matter how smoothly things are running, you can always rely on Charlie to rock the boat.

7. By the way are you thinking of going on holiday?

8. As your house is on our way, we'll give you a lift home if you like.

9. You'll just have to make a decision. You can't have it both ways.

10. The beginning of a new generation of computer software is at hand.

11. So, George... Have you made up your mind where you want to go for your internship?

12. Ana finally made it. She is an excellent doctor.

13. I just want to stay at home and watch television and take it easy.

14. You'll never see your money again because I'm afraid he's gone for good.

15. Considering they are over 70 years old, you must admit they are in good shape.

16. It's surprising how few people knew that Charlie was having money problems but I suppose it was because he had kept it to himself.

17. I shouldn't go outside without a raincoat because it's raining cats and dogs.

18. When the business folded, he took the lion's share of the assets.

19. Some of you worked on until the small hours to make it a successful project.

20. You must realize the gravity of the situation because you are in deep water now.

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